A Word from our CEO for the New Year
A new year has begun, so it is time to reflect on 2020 and look forward to the new year. The Hive team would like to thank you for your dedicated support the past year, and wish you all the best for 2021! With a new year comes a new Hive!
What if… You make your quotations using Hive CPQ?
Hive CPQ is the next generation quotation tool. Why? We take the quotation process out of your current CRM or ERP environment. Quotations can be made by any stakeholder (Sales, backoffice, engineering and your customers). The user interface is fast, clean and simple. Hive CPQ speeds up the quotation process. Hive CPQ supports complex products and pricing, but manages to hide the complexity to the users.
What is the estimated shipping time for a product?
To know when certain products will be shipped is often a challenging question, causing inefficient phone calls and back and forth emailing. Increase your customer relationship with HiveCPQ’s new feature 'Shipping Schedules', which can be activated by any manufacturer.
Automated testing with Katalon
As our software evolves rapidly, it is key to make sure everything remains stable and operational. At HiveCPQ we have setup a modern automated test environment. With over 500 automated tests we automatically test our application in development, staging and production. The number of tests grows week after week.