NEW WEB Frederik

A Word from our CEO for the New Year

A new year has begun, so it is time to reflect on 2020 and look forward to the new year. The Hive team would like to thank you for your dedicated support the past year, and wish you all the best for 2021! With a new year comes a new Hive!

Januar 05, 2021 geschrieben durch
Frederik Taleman

In 2020 Hive was able to help a lot of companies to accelerate their sales process. With the onboarding of new enterprises, Hive grew significantly, and reached all continents by supporting an extended network of distributors all around the world.

But we won’t stop there. We believe a lot of companies are still losing efficiency in a non-digital world, when they could be saving time in their configuration, pricing and quotation process. Hive aims to provide its solution to more of them in 2021, and to continue to support all customers who are already trusting us.

That is why, in the new year, we will go on to improve our software, introducing brand new features, new possibilities and new integrations! With your feedback, we can bring HiveCPQ to the next level!

To do so, we have hired eight (!) new talents this past year. Remote work will not hold us back from bringing you the solution you need! The Hive family continues to stay at your disposal, so we can make 2021 an exceptional year together!

On behalf of the whole team, our CEO Frederik Taleman would like to tell you a small word:

“2020 was a challenging year, that’s the least we can say… However, I am very proud to see the growth in Hive in the past year and the great successes our customers have achieved with our solution.

In 2021, the Hive team plans to continue this mission! We will keep making our customers more efficient and help them reach their sales and manufacturing goals. We look forward to making our customers faster and stronger than their competition by implementing our next generation CPQ solution.

HiveCPQ has come a long way since 2016. It has turned into an unseen and successful mix of CPQ, B2B eCommerce and dealer management tools. We have big plans in 2021 to bring this solution to the next level and make sure you get the most out of it!”

We are looking forward to this new year, full of possibilities, and we hope you do as well!

Happy 2021 from the Hive team!

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