08 19 shipping time web

What is the estimated shipping time for a product?

To know when certain products will be shipped is often a challenging question, causing inefficient phone calls and back and forth emailing. Increase your customer relationship with HiveCPQ’s new feature 'Shipping Schedules', which can be activated by any manufacturer.

August 18, 2019 geschrieben durch
Frederik Taleman

Hive CPQ Shipping Schedules

HiveCPQ will display an estimated shipping time, based on the complex configurations, at any stage.Optionally, manufacturers can display an overview of different shipping schedules per product (categories). A shipping schedule can be “Week 35” or “Upon request”.

Aug19 shipping schedules inline

You will get all your shipping information gathered in your project start page, while placing an order:

Aug19 shipping schedules inline 3

Questions about this new feature? Interested in activating it on your environment? 

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