NEW WEB Khaled

Welcome to the Hive, Khaled!

Hive is starting 2022 with a new colleague! We’re very happy to announce Khaled has joined our company as our newest project engineer.

Aude cutout
Januar 06, 2022 geschrieben durch

Meet our new bee: Khaled

Khaled is kicking off his career at Hive. He has recently graduated in Electromechanical Engineering at KU Leuven. During his days as a university student, he spent quite some time on extracurriculars, such as running a student association for incoming Egyptian students, taking language courses, and working as a courier. Shows that he’s always been a busy bee! 

In his spare time, Khaled enjoys reading fictional novels and watching their movie adaptations. He also has a sweet spot for photography. On a typical day off, you can find Khaled outside with his camera or smartphone trying to capture anything peculiar. 

We’re very excited to have Khaled aboard! 

The Hive team has been tremendously supportive and welcoming. This is a great workplace with a vibrant atmosphere. I’m learning so much already and I’m very excited to see this translated in my work. So happy to be here!

Quick-fire questions for Khaled

  • Summer or winter?
  • Morning person or night owl?
    Night owl
  • iOS or Android?
    Hate to admit it but iOS

Welcome to Hive, Khaled!

Want to join our ambitious team?

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