07 24 Capterra Review WEB

How to review Hive CPQ on Capterra

Are you a Hive CPQ user? How are you liking our platform? Are there things you’d like to see improved? We’d like to hear from you! We are partnering with Capterra, an independent platform for authentic software user reviews, to gather feedback. Follow our five-step guide on how to share your experience with Hive CPQ on Capterra below.

Pauline cutout
July 24, 2024 Written by
Pauline Van Daele

What is Capterra and why should I leave a review?

Capterra is an online platform that helps businesses find the right software by providing authentic user reviews. It offers detailed information, ratings, and feedback from verified users to guide purchasing decisions.

Share your experience with Hive CPQ on Capterra! User feedback in the form of reviews is incredibly important to us. It helps us to see what’s working and what needs improvement, which allows us to enhance our product and services.

Additionally, by leaving a review on Capterra, you help peers make informed decisions. Your experiences with Hive CPQ can provide valuable guidance to those considering or currently using it.

How to write a review for Hive CPQ on Capterra

Step 1: Access the review page via our direct link

Go to the Review Hive CPQ page on Capterra.

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Step 2: Sign in with LinkedIn or enter your information manually

First, you’ll need to fill out some information about yourself. This information will be used by Capterra to confirm if you’re an authentic user of Hive CPQ.

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Step 3: Answer some questions about Hive CPQ

Next, you’ll be able to rate Hive CPQ on:

  • Overall quality
  • Ease of Use
  • Features & Functionality
  • Customer Support (optional)
  • Value for Money (optional)
  • Ease of Deployment (optional)

And you’ll be able to answer some questions and leave some feedback on our top features (optional), such as quotes/estimates, price and cost calculations and price/margin management. You’ll also be asked to rate Hive CPQ on the likeness that you’d recommend it to friends or coworkers on a scale of 0-10.

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Step 4: Write your review

Finally, it’s time to write your review!

Title your review, write some things you like most about Hive CPQ, and some things you’d like to see differently. Tell us about your overall experience with Hive CPQ.

Make sure you’ve filled out all required fields, and then click “Submit” on the bottom right corner.

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Step 5: Capterra review assessment

Your work here is done! Thank you so much for reviewing Hive CPQ.

Now, Capterra will get to work. Their teams will assess your review against quality checks to see if your review is authentic and you’re a true user of Hive CPQ. Shortly after the check, your review will be published!

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1. How long does it take for Capterra to publish my review?

Your review will not instantly be shown after you’ve clicked “Submit”. This is because the Capterra team will screen your review to make sure you’re not secretly a Hive employee or competitor. Allow up to three weeks after you’ve written your review for the Capterra process to be completed.

2. Can I leave my review anonymously?

Yes, you can choose to hide your identity from the public for privacy reasons. Keep in mind that Capterra still needs to verify you are a Hive user, so they will ask for identification but you can opt to keep this information private.

3. Can I edit or update my review once it’s been posted?

For small typos or spelling corrections, you can send an email to reviews@capterra.com. The request must be sent from the email address you used to first submit the review. If you wish to make bigger adjustments or update the content, you can simply write a new review that will replace the existing one.

4. Where will my review be publicly displayed?

Capterra will use your review on the Hive CPQ profile page, and will share a summary throughout their site, GetApp, and Software Advice. Hive CPQ reserves the right to use the content of your review for marketing purposes.

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