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Manage access to your Hive environment with Permissions

On your CPQ environment, you’ll find both internal users from different departments and external users, such as customers or distributors. It can be challenging to keep teams organized and to keep your business data secure on the platform. We want to ensure that the power stays in your hands to grant or restrict access for certain users.

Grant or restrict access based on user roles

Hive CPQ allows you to control user access based on their role within the organization. This ensures your data stays protected and your teams are provided with essential information only.

With role-based access control, sensitive information stays hidden. Users need to obtain permission to view, create, or modify things. For example, while marketing managers and external users are able to consult price lists, only the sales executives have the permission to change prices or give discounts.

User Roles Access

Managing user permissions in Hive CPQ

The permissions system in Hive CPQ is designed to support complex sales organizations and their distributor network. All users are assigned to a certain role that needs to be granted permission to perform actions on the platform.

To accelerate the setup process, you can start with some common roles and permissions:

  • Manufacturer role: for internal users
  • Distributor role: for external users
  • Admin role: for administrators, have access to nearly everything
  • System role: a default role for quick access
Permissions Screenshot

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  • An internal engineer gets a manufacturer role. He gets the chance to bypass certain validations in the configurators.
  • An installer technician, on the other hand, gets a distributor role. His use of the platform is limited to seeing installation guides for products and the spare parts catalogues only. He is not able to configure products or place orders.

Create your own roles and permissions

In addition to the predefined roles and permissions, Hive CPQ allows you to create custom security authorizations based on your needs. Say, for instance, that distributor A is allowed to make orders themselves, but distributor B isn't. In that case, you can simply make two separate roles, one for each distributor company. The power is in your hands and your hands only.

Create Roles and Permissions

Connect to Hive CPQ with your Single Sign-On account

Manage access to Hive CPQ with Single Sign-On (SSO), allowing users to connect to the Hive platform using credentials from a related software system. Require internal users to log in with their ID and password from their Active Directory and instantly link them to the appropriate role in Hive CPQ with the correct permissions in place.

SSO makes it easier for you to manage access and provides an additional level of security.

Single Sign On

Hive protects your data at every layer

Hive CPQ keeps your data secure by aligning with the global standard for information security. Our company has obtained the ISO 27001 certificate, the most rigorous international standard. It demonstrates that we:

  • Protect sensitive information from customers according to the ISO norms and legal requirements,
  • Do everything in our power to reduce the number of data security threats, and
  • Get yearly audits and penetration tests to improve the awareness and understanding of data security.
ISO Certificate
Trust Hive CPQ

Trust Hive CPQ to keep your data secure

We know how important it is to keep information safe. That’s why we have worked on an elaborate system that:

  • Is ISO 27001 certified and GDPR compliant
  • Differentiates between internal and external users
  • Has a set of predefined roles and permissions for easy setup
  • Enables administrators to create company-specific roles and permissions
  • Allows SSO for maximum security

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